link Eliza Goes To Sweden: Copy

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


I can now say that I have well and truly 'done Copenhagen' much in the same way that Debbie did Dallas (obvious differences aside). I have climbed the 400 steps of the spire of Our Saviors Church. I have crusied down the canals of Chrisitanhaven and Nyhavn. I have been underawed by The Little Mermaid (or 'Little Little Mermaid' as the Youth Hostel Crew wittily call her). I have ridden the ultra´-futuristic Metro and have become slightly claustropobic when it got stuck, driverless and all, far below the city streets. I have drank Carls in the evening light. I have bought hotdogs from the stands in Kygons Nytorv and I have collapsed in Nørrebro's beautiful parks, cursing and rubbing my blisters. I've taken 300 photos. I have bought a Princess Mary, Prince Frederick and the Ugly Baby postcard for my family. I bought tins of Makarel from a Danish 'hypermart' and was sad when it turned out they were only sardines. And now I am killing time before my train to Malmø.

Copy (yes, I actually may have invented this shortened version - blame my Australian upbringing) is an amazing town. I have already decided that I will live here - or at least have my summer residence here. My loves- the cycling culture, the colours, the history, vibe, the gorgeous Danes. Not too hot on - the taste of the water, the cost, the fact I am staying next to a massive carpark, the crazy weather, it's like melbourne on crack.

Now travelling solo is a curious beast. This hostel is quite big, so it's hard to socialise. It's also tricky because most people aren't speaking english, and I feel pretty presumptuous to just jump into their conversations. I am alone but I have not gotten lonely yet. I've met some very nice people (and have been chatted up a few times). I just can't wait to get to Malmø tonight and hopefully meet some exchange students, and maybe hit the turps if everything works out right. My first day at Uni is tomorrow.

I have been conversing in English somewhat apologetically, aware of how monolingual I am. I have made a pledge though - when I cross the border to Sweden, I will attempt to speak Swedish at every opportunity. My brain has been running at 100 miles an hour when i've been sightseeing around Copenhagen: forming sentences in Swedish, trying to remember past tenses, pronouns, etc all to the disturbing background music of California Dreaming by the Mamas and the Papas.

As soon as i get some internet connection i'm not paying about 5 dollars an hour for, i will upload my photos to Flickr. My computer is working again. And I am looking forward to being on the road again. Onward!


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