link Eliza Goes To Sweden: söndag

Sunday, September 10, 2006


Today has been a bit of a rough day. I can't pinpoint a reason for it, and nothing particularly bad has happened. I think it might be my first twinge of homesickness.

It started off as most sunday mornings do, waking up at 11ish to my blissfully dark room. I made some 2 minute noodles and went back to bed, wrapping myself up in my doona and Jodi Picoult book. When I felt brave enough to face the world, it was off to the communal shower. Later, strong coffee in hand, I read through my emails from my various friends and this kind of heavy feeling settled around my heart region. Strange. I had a sudden and violent urge to be at Laura, Tegan and Emma's place, chilling on their sofa, waiting for Gray's Anatomy to come on, or having breakfast/dinner at Prima Sole with Leah after her graveyard shift, or driving Sos around in the Tarago through the streets of Wodonga.

My corridor then had a meeting to arrange a cleaning roster. I'm living with 10 international students and we have been living in squalor since we arrived. I baked a packet mix cake. I spent 20 minutes on the online swedish to english dictionary, trying to figure out whether i needed to add eggs and whether I needed to grease the tin. Somehow I have wound up with the position of 'Corridor Head'. This basically means I keep the kitty and organise the roster. Not one i'm rushing to add to the CV.

I had my first cycling incident today and have a gash on my palm to prove it. I was cycling along, cool as the proverbial, and I thought my tyre was going flat. So I turn around to check it out, angle to get a better view, and before I know it I've run straight into the curb. There was one moment where I thought I could maneuver out of it, but sadly not and I ended up in a tangle of bike. Made a godawful noise too, drawing the attention of all the shoppers streaming in and out of my supermarket. I quickly picked myself up and rode away without a backwards glance, dignity in the same shape as my rickety bike. Can't believe the old girl is still functional, but she is. (really, that sentence could apply to both me and the bike)

Then I went and sat in the park. Just to get some alone time. It hasn't rained in 3 days. This is pretty miraculous, but we don't talk about it too loud in case we jinx our good luck. A massive hare kept me company. Sydskånska nation had film cafe night on tonight which we went to. It was held in a dark room filled with tealight candles, in which we were fed freshly baked brownies, $1 coffee and watched Walk The Line. We're so lucky, films aren't dubbed into Swedish the way they are in Germany (into german, obviously) so if you can ignore the white text it's almost like being in a cinema in Aus.

Leah and I had a phone chat halfway through, as the dusk was setting over lund and she was finishing another graveyard shift. Very good to talk to her. Now it's almost 2.00 and I think it's time to go to bed. I've signed up to the gym so I'm going to Gympa (the traditional Swedish aerobics training) tomorrow morning.

As it always is with shaky days, a cup of tea and good night's sleep makes it all peachy again. I can't wait for this week to start.


At 9:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Mofomania. You get my last few emails, or just too dang lazy to respond? I have this suspicion that my email is doing funny things, havn't been receiving a few of my emails, and that's just the ones I know about... uh oh. I quite enjoy reading your blog and sussing your awse pix. Keep up the good work hun (sorry, teacher coming out). Peace :-)

At 4:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


O happy day...

At 11:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha i bet that offended you. Just letting you know YOUR SOUND CARD IS IN THE MAIL SO SUCK IT, OK?
Love you lots,

At 2:16 PM, Blogger pocketpower said...

KATE! I've got your emails but i am too lazy to respond! Don't hate me! Long and involved replies are coming.

ALASTAIR that's the BEST news I've heard all day! HURRAH! who got it instead?

LEAH you offend me so with your sloppy spelling but that's the basis of our relationship, right? thankx so much you're a darl, I'll be skypin you in no time now

At 9:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We love you Lizzie!! Don't worry, our couch will still be here when you get back... xxx


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