well my faithful audience, it's late and I really should be in bed so I won't make this post too long. I've just uploaded some rather wholesome (i.e. does not involve alcohol in any way) photos up on my flickr website.
So, dot points, my dear old friend:
- I'm going to Russia in two weeks. Yes, Russia, where they drink vodka before 10am and wear colourful headscarves and speak a language that looks like a crossword puzzle half rubbed out (c'mon, use your imagination!). I've got the registration meeting at 8am tomorrow. I'm trying to get through some books on Russia so i have some type of clue about what's going on there but I always lose concentration and I start hearing that Russian singing song in my head. Yes that one.
- I went to my friend Susa's dinner party on saturday night. She is from Austria and she cooked heaps of native foodstuffs for us all to eat. That part was cool. Unfortunately the whole party was made up of German speakers who, to my australian ways, didn't appear to have a sense of humour and steadfastly stuck to the conversational Four e.g. What's Your Name, Where're You From, Where Do You Live, What Are You Studying? But the food was good. I focused on that.
- I have a new bike! After deciding that there was no way I could find a second hand bike in Lund that didn't cost like 1000kr+ and consequentially spending an entire day in Malmö with Brad practically begging indifferent and SOMETIMES HOSTILE cycle shop owners begging to sell us something, I scored it at the Lund flea market. It was only 350 kr - a steal, although still complete extortion in Australia. It's a heap of crap: the handlebars are wobbly, the chain's all rusted and i can't mount it without looking like i've had some kind of unfortunate stroke. BUT IT'S A BIKE.
- A friend of mine - who shall remain nameless - got drunk, climbed up 30 meters of scaffolding and unsurprisingly, fell off. After spending the night unconscious in the bottom of a building site, he was discovered by the police. He now has a neck brace, a broken arm and a swathe of stitches on his head. He's apparently only alive because of all the scaffolding he hit on the way down. CRAZY SHIT.
- Scandinavian music rocks my socks! on the pod at the moment: Husky Rescue, The Knife, Jose Gonzales, Peter Bjorn and John. My last Introduction to Scandinavian Culture and Society class was 2 hours worth of listening to music, padded with random facts about historical violins and hurdy-gurdy techniques. That's what I call "education"!
You will deff have to hit me up with some of your crazy foreign music when you come back.
hey duckles.
You, sir, are a fox. My housemates are watching australian idol, alas. I love the knife. there is a sweet ad at the mo full of bouncy balls to jose gonzanles' cover of heartbeats. SWEET. We had a promise made, we were in loooove. I want to go on exchange NOW. Please can you tell me your address again so i can send a small item.
Love yo' sis'.
yes, what in gods name is your addresss. I recall asking for it soon after you left, but to no avail... *sigh*
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