sat night in the laundromat
Fancy some background toons while you read my latest post? Check outTriple J's Swedish Mixtape! BLISS!
After three slightly boring but otherwise quite productive days of staring at the space where my laptop used to be, it has been returned to me! My poor baby/prodigal son! All that trauma and grieving for nothing. The upside is that I got extensions on both my essays, both for Scandinavian Culture and Society and the one on Swedish Film directors. And I get to upload more skanky photos onto flickr. And I also get to learn some basic phrases in Russian (PO-ZHA-LU-EES-TA, anyone?).
Sohani from New Zealand and I had our oral presentation on Friday. I'd be lying if I didn't say that being some of the few native english speakers in our class imbued us with a slight advantage. We drew a stick figure picture of a Non-Traditional Scandinavian family on the whiteboard and went from there. I think I spoke too quickly and we weren't as impressive as some others who went the whole hog and had their fancy schmanzy powerpoint presentations and images. But the lecturer seemed to dig it. That was the last lecture we had in that subject. My weekly classes have been reduced from 12 to 8 hours, and I've got Wednesday and Friday off. Hurrah!
If this wasn't enough - there are rockstars in the basement! So this is how it went: On Tuesday night the linoleum beneath our feet at Sparta started shaking, rattling and rolling. This made study completely impossible, so my corridor collectively put down their pens or cigarettes (the french) and we went for an explore. There sure as hell was some kind of band (glam rock, if heard the baseline correctly) in the basement, but what were they doing? Sparta was deserted. The only song we recognised was an impassioned rendition of "The Final Countdown". It all finished at about 10pm so we thought it was all over. How wrong we were...
The next evening I was on my way home from uni and I rounded the corner to find a surprising amount of emo-punks and washed-up babyboomers milling around the entrance to Sparta. Now if you know this area, it's not exactly where anyone would be seen 'hanging around'. But then it clicked. They were coming to see the band! So I went upstairs to tell Brad from Oregeon that the band we heard rehearsing last night would be doing it all again tonight so he could just forget about trying to finish that assignment. And he looked at me with dread in his eyes and said "yeah, i know - and i did some research, check this out" -
Swedish mega band Europe were the source of the semi-pleasurable rhythms vibrating up through our floor! If you're still lost, their song "The Final Countdown" featured on an ad for Toyota or Hyandai in Australia a few years ago. Expressions such as "washed up" and "scraping bottom of barrel" sprung to mind. But we went down and hung around, nicked some beers that someone irresponsible had left around. It was aaall good.
Now i'm just doing my washing and about to head around to Penny's for movies and hopefully lollies. I had to book the washing machine five days in advance, which makes it probably the most important commitment in my week. These next few pre-russia days are going to be pretty low key: i'm going to the Kalmar/Wermlands choir (yes, choir! MORE Swedish music!) on Monday, class, etc. My train to Stockholm leaves Tuesday morning, 8.28. I have a whole 6 hrs in the nation's capital before my ferry leaves to Finland, and then to Russia. Stay tuned, some crazy old school USSR shit is coming up...
That JJJ moosick.. wow.. Peter, Bjorn & John, ace, Young Folks, I heard that song on JJJ on Tuesday, it made me very happy in the pants, I must have it.
"its the final countdown (do do do doo... do do do do doo)" sorry bout that. there was something a bit swedish on the j's this morning. i still love the hives the most though (they're swedish, right?)
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